Are you as good as they think you are?
This secret fear that we’re not really good enough is surprisingly widespread.
Many women, some men, people who are genuine high-achievers are often racked by self‑doubt and the fear of being found out.
This feeling has been termed “The Imposter Syndrome”.
You might recognise this syndrome when you realise you’re thinking or feeling:
- that you don’t put yourself forward because you fear you’ll fail
- you don’t contribute in meetings because you don’t want to look a fool
- you’ve done pretty well so far but it was really lucky
- other people doing similar jobs seem to be more “grown up” than you feel
- your definition of “good enough” for yourself is really “achieving perfection without breaking sweat”!
If not addressed the Imposter Syndrome erodes self-confidence and can cause individuals to experience significant stress, anxiety and fear.
Imposter Syndrome can drive high achievement leading to burn‑out or can inhibit people from achieving their full potential, prevent them from making valuable contributions to projects or meetings and deprive an organisation from seeing the very best that their staff can give.
But the Secret is now out.
Imposter Syndrome can be sorted!!
During this workshop “Imposters” will:
- come to understand how this is affecting their life
- examine the “rule book” they are living by and choose – if they want – to re‑write the rules
- examine the role that gender, race and class can have on feelings of fraudulence
- see how their interpretation of past success has been making things more difficult
- notice that being incompetent and feeling incompetent are two totally different things
- explore the advantages and disadvantages of different coping mechanisms
- learn practical strategies to set free their Imposter and be themselves!
This practical, hands on workshop can be organised for and tailored to particular groups in your University such as PhD students, women Researchers, women Academics… There can be great benefit in recognising you are part of a group and learning new strategies for success in a safe and supportive environment.